Wangaratta Cemetery 

Mason Street Wangaratta Victoria

The Wangaratta cemetery, now located on the corner of Tone Road and Mason Street was officially opened in 1851.

?Our Little Earnest and Poor Anthony? is the inscription on the top of the Vault of the Unknown Children and is the only clue to the identity of these children. The burial register has no record of the burials and hence may have taken place between the years 1851 when burials began and 1862 when the burial register commenced.

George Faithfull was born at Canterbury, New South Wales in 1814. He settled with his cattle at Oxley Plains and named his homestead ?Wangaratta?. George developed an interest in the growing settlement at Ovens Crossing, later to be known as Wangaratta, and bought land in the business centre. He was elected as trustee of the land donated by William Clarke for Holy Trinity Cathedral and was made an honorary Justice of the Peace in 1852. He died in 1855 aged 42.

The notorious bushranger known as Mad Dog Morgan fled from New South Wales and was reported in the area around Wangaratta. Following his death, a scandal erupted as to the treatment of his remains by a certain Dr Dobbyn.

For further information there is a comprehensive brochure online or contact the Visitor Services team.
