Vignerons Schmölzer and Brown 

39 Thorley Road Stanley Victoria

Vignerons Schmölzer and Brown is the partnership of Tessa Brown, winemaker and viticulturist and Jeremy Schmölzer, Architect.

They planted their vineyard, Thorley, in the highest part of the Beechworth GI in 2014 and 2015. They both work in the vineyard and winery to grow vines and make wines with precision, balance and drinkability. They make a range of wines from Beechworth, the King Valley, and occasionally the Alpine Valleys as they've been waiting for their own property to reach maturity.

Every one of their wines is made with hand-picked fruit. The wines ferment with only indigenous yeast (the waxy stuff on the outside of the grape) and if the wines go through Malolactic fermentation, then that is spontaneous. Where possible, they'd like the only addition made to their wines to be preserving sulphur dioxide. Once their own vineyard is old enough to be mechanically cultivated, they will undertake conversion to organic viticulture there.

They spend a lot more time in the field than in the cellar, so their wine making practices are pretty simple. They don't fine, and only filter their white wines.

Open by appointment only: They have a newly built winery and cellar door for visitors to speak with the winemakers and try the wines. A wonderful, and very exclusive opportunity. Reach out to Tessa or Jeremy to make your appointment.


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