Lumby’s Bend 

Kelly's Road Brimin Victoria

Lumbys Bend is a quiet and relaxing spot on the Murray River, located on a twisting section of the Murray and more heavily wooded than some other reserves.

There are numerous good level camping sites, though high banks restrict access to the river in sections.

An ideal camping and fishing spot.

How to get there

Access is via Raitts Road which is signposted off the Murray Valley Highway 4km east of Brimin Road and 14km west of Rutherglen.  Follow Raitts Road for 3.4km (runs into Kelly's Road) to enter the forest.  Once in the forest continue on the main track for 300m to the track on left (west) which leads into some dispersed bush camping areas. {Lewis, C. Savage, C. 2013, 'Camping & Caravaning guide to the Murray River', 2nd edition, Boiling Billy Publications, Nimmitabel, NSW, p. 102}

