Everton-Tarrawingee Ride 

Road Ride
32 km
White: First timer
Green: Beginner
Blue: Intermediate
Black: Advanced
Double Black: Expert

Beechworth is a little hilly, so let's hop in the car and head down to Everton where the locals go for an easier ride.
• Head out from Everton along the Great Alpine Road, towards Wangaratta.
• Turn left into Markwood Everton Road.
• Cross the Ovens River and turn right into Markwood-Tarrawingee Road.

Follow on to River Road and carefully cross the Great Alpine Road.
? Do a sharp left onto Beechworth-Wangaratta Road, then a sharp right onto Boralma Road.
? Follow until you intercept the Rail Trail. Turn right and then follow the sealed trail from to White Post Road and back into Everton.
