Due Colline – Gravel Ride 

Wangaratta-Whitfield Road Whitfield Victoria
30 km
White: First timer
Green: Beginner
Blue: Intermediate
Black: Advanced
Double Black: Expert

Due Colline heads north-east of Whitfield into the foothills of the Black Range.

The ride takes you through farmland on the valley floor before rising up to native forest at the edge of the Black Range where you'll tackle the challenging Lake Buffalo-Whitfield Road climb. From the top of the big clim it's a free-wheeling 4km gravel descent back to the Whitfield trailhead.

Places of interest on this ride:
1. Cross the King River twice along this route at Gentle Annie.
2. Take on two climbs, at Cooks Gap Road followed by the more challenging Lake Buffalo-Whitfield Road Climb.

Note: this ride offers a progressive step up from the shorter 'Pizza e Vino'.

Rating: Short Distance: 30 kilometres. Elevation Gain: over 338 kilometres. Start/Finish: Whitfield
