

The village of Whitfield is located approximately 37 km from Wangaratta, with the turn-off (to the left) to the Gentle Annie Caravan Park being just prior to the village.

Gentle Annie has been around for a long time, and is a popular base camp for anglers and white water kayakers.

Dal Zotto Winery is on the left as you enter the village, and is noted for its excellent wines (the home of Prosecco!), amazing food in the trattoria, shaded areas and of course, bocce!

Whitfield has a general store, a hotel, cafes, a fuel outlet, a caravan park and motel units, with several B&Bs and holiday cottages adding to the accommodation mix.

Taking it slowly through the village, the scenic Mansfield - Tolmie - Whitfield Road enters the roadway from the right and is the route to the beautiful Powers Lookout. This junction is just near the Mountain View Hotel, a place renowned for its great ambience and good food (the dining room was recently awarded its first Chef's Hat too!).

Continuing south from Whitfield, Pizzini Wines are on the left and is a must-stop for fantastic wines, homemade icecream in summer and cooking classes.

A few hot tip - if you get the chance, we highly recommend the drive to Powers Lookout!

Soak up the generous hospitality, warming food and sample some of Australia's most innovative wines.
