Hope of a Tree Exhibition 

190 Mt Buller Rd The Magnolia Mansfield Victoria
  • 14 to 15 Dec 2024
  • 21 to 22 Dec 2024
  • 28 to 29 Dec 2024
  • 4 to 5 Jan 2025
  • 11 to 12 Jan 2025
  • 18 to 19 Jan 2025
  • 25 to 26 Jan 2025
11:00am - 4:00pm

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Make sure you stop in at Ros Ritchie Wines and view the "Hope of a Tree" exhibition of paintings and drawings by artist Margaret Krajnc.

Displayed in the historic setting of the Magnolia, all pieces celebrate the natural beauty of trees, and will be on show each weekend from 2 November right through until 28 January 2025.


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